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"Deciphering SPF Numbers: Your Guide to Sunblock Protection"

Understanding SPF (Sun Protection Factor) numbers is crucial for making informed decisions when choosing sunblock. Let's break down the basics of SPF and what those numbers really mean.

1. What is SPF? 

SPF measures a sunscreen's ability to protect your skin from UVB rays, which are responsible for sunburn. The higher the SPF number, the greater the protection.

2. SPF Ratings:

  • SPF 15: Provides moderate protection, allowing you to stay in the sun 15 times longer without burning than if you had no sunscreen.

  • SPF 30: Offers high protection, allowing 30 times more sun exposure without burning.

  • SPF 60: Provides very high protection, allowing 50 times more sun exposure without burning.

3. Realistic Protection: It's a common misconception that higher SPF numbers offer significantly more protection. SPF 30 blocks about 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 60 blocks around 98%. Going beyond SPF 60 doesn't provide a substantial increase in protection, however, it is advisable to reapply every 2 hours.

4. Daily Use: For everyday protection, dermatologists often recommend SPF 30 as it offers adequate coverage. However, if you plan to spend prolonged time outdoors, consider SPF 50 and above.

5. Reapplication: Regardless of the SPF number, reapply your sunblock every two hours, or more frequently if swimming or sweating especially if you are at the beach.

In conclusion, understanding SPF numbers is crucial for effective sun protection. Choose an SPF that suits your daily activities, and don't forget to reapply regularly to keep your skin safe from harmful UVB rays. Your skin will thank you for it!



  • 什么是SPF? SPF测量防晒霜保护皮肤免受UVB射线伤害的能力,这些射线是造成晒伤的原因。SPF数字越高,保护效果越好。

  • SPF等级: SPF 15:提供中等保护,使您可以在不晒伤的情况下在太阳下停留时间是不擦防晒霜的15倍。 SPF 30:提供高度保护,允许在不晒伤的情况下晒太阳30倍的时间。 SPF 60:提供非常高的保护,允许曝露在太阳下的时间是50倍。

  • 实际保护:普遍的误解是认为更高的SPF数字提供显著更多的保护。SPF 30可以阻挡约97%的UVB射线,而SPF 60则可以阻挡约98%。超过SPF 60并不会提供太多的保护增加,但建议每2小时重新涂抹一次。

  • 每日使用:对于日常保护,皮肤科医生通常推荐使用SPF 30,因为它提供了足够的保护。但是,如果您计划长时间待在户外,建议考虑使用SPF 50及以上。

  • 重新涂抹:无论SPF数字如何,每两小时重新涂抹一次防晒霜,如果游泳或出汗,尤其是在海滩上,则需要更频繁地涂抹。


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